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500 W. 5th Street, Suite 800,
Winston-Salem, NC 27101




Swerve’s New Members

CCE would like to welcome it’s newest Swerve members:

  • Devora Black
  • Owens Daniels
  • Sonjy Daniels
  • Angel Fant
  • Edward Garcia
  • Ben Hecht
  • Ramona King
  • Corey Madden
  • John Moore
  • Robert Moyer
  • Tommy Priest
  • Franklin Terry
  • Shana Whitehead
  • Allan Younger
  • The Kenan Institute for the Arts

Visit the Swerve Directory to see the full list of members and check out their bios!


Marketing for Artists and Crafters

Marketing For Artists and Crafters   Register

Thursday, May 19, 2016 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM

Do you give your art and craftwork away? Why not learn how to make some money selling it? Learn about “shameless self-promotion” and why it is so important. Discover your comfort zone and learn how to break out of it to find new opportunities and new customers. This seminar is designed for visual artists who struggle with trying to make a living with their talents. Students are invited to bring a piece of their work. Directions – http://www.forsythtech.edu/services-businesses/small-business-center/driving-directions/

Speaker: Greta lint

Location: Forsyth Tech Small Business Center, 525@Vine – Innovation Quarter, Winston Salem


Marketing for Artists and Crafters

Tuesday 4/26/16
Time:  6:00 – 9:00 pm 
Location:  Forsyth Tech SBC 
525@Vine – Innovation Quarter Winston-Salem NC 27101

Marketing for Artist and Crafters

Do you give your art and craftwork away? Why not learn how to make some money selling it? Learn about “shameless self-promotion” and why it is so important. Discover your comfort zone and learn how to break out of it to find new opportunities and new customers. This seminar is designed for visual artists who struggle with trying to make a living with their talents. Students are invited to bring a piece of their work.
Speaker: Greta Lint



CCE Mag & Brit

Magalie & Brittany working together for CCE!

On April 4th, the Center for Creative Economy officially bid farewell to Brittany Mashburn and welcomed Magalie Yacinthe into our creative family! Magalie serves as the newest Project Management Assistant alongside Executive Director, Margaret H. Collins.

Magalie comes to the Center for Creative Economy with experience working with a Winston-Salem nonprofit, Delta Arts Center, as well as many years in the corporate world at Aon.  She founded her own company within the creative industries, Yacinthe Events Services. This experience with events will be a big help for CCE.  She enjoys traveling, reading, and writing. One of her goals is to publish a romance novel (we have a hopeless romantic on our hands).

Magalie is very enthusiastic about her involvement with CCE and has already began to add value to our team. Please look for her at our events, and introduce yourself.  Welcome Magalie!

new board pic


Accelerator Alums in NY Times!

Creative Startups alumni are making major moves- NY Times Style!

Read Meow Wolf and Sydney Alfonso‘s features in these recent New York Times Style Magazine articles.

creative startups, times

Creative Economy Updates

A View From Inside the Accelerator Experience

Christine Lee, an alumnus of Creative Startups, the nation’s leading startup accelerator for creative entrepreneurs, shares her experience during the 2015 accelerator program in Albuquerque.

The dust has settled after the whirlwind Creative Startups (CS) accelerator, and when I look back on that time, I think of it as a warm, big hug.



CS is an accelerator for — you guessed it — creative startups (think art, social good, media, retail, etc.) in Albuquerque, New Mexico that debuted last year for the first time (a startup helping other startups accelerate… meta!). It consists of six weeks of remote classes with mentors/instructors, weekly small group discussions, and then a final deep dive week in ABQ that continued classwork but starts to focus more on next steps — legal, investment, pitch decks, network building, connecting mentors and mentees. We had the opportunity to demo our product, “The Right Margin,”  to the ABQ startup community and the final day of the accelerator was spent pitching to investors. This year we were joined by eight other startups.

Going in

I forget how we first found out about the CS accelerator, but our first reaction to the description was that it sounded perfect for us — if we’d be able to get in. I think the application deadline was earlier than we thought we were ready for (we had considered looking into accelerators around the end of 2015, not mid-2015), but our CEO, Shivani, is hands down amazing at taking (and making) opportunities regardless of how ‘ready’ we feel, which keeps up our team’s momentum. Then, when we were accepted… read the full article here!


Swerve’s New Members

Swerve would like to welcome it’s newest members:

  • Ioannis Batsios
  • Marguerite Gusdon
  • Emmy Williams, of Interior Solutions
  • Excalibur Direct Marketing

Visit the Swerve Directory to see the full list of members and check out their bios!


Highlights – Triad Design Leadershop 2015

Watch video highlights from the March 2015 Triad Design Leadershop! The vent took place at Flywheel in the Wake Forest Innovation Quarter in Winston-Salem, NC. The two day event attracted business leaders and creative professionals with the theme “The Architecture of Experience: Designing for People, Designing for Profit.”

March 2015 – TDL Video Highlights

For more information on Triad Design Leadershop, click here.



The Olio – Recap of Upstart Live!







rbUpstart Live! took place Feb 5th-7th at Flywheel and featured The OLIO – a local hot glass blowing studio and nonprofit, led by Winston-Salem resident Rebeccah Byer. The concept developed by Flywheel founder Peter Marsh, is a collaborative approach of taking a startup from idea conception to market in just 48 hours. Rebeccah met Flywheel founder, Peter Marsh at a CCE Swerve event in fall, 2015. She shared her dream of establishing a new product taking recycled glass from local restaurants and bars, and creating a line of sustainable barware.

abgtfAt subsequent Swerve meetings, Peter and Rebeccah continued conversations until the Upstart Live event was born. Peter and the Flywheel staff recruited entrepreneurial mentors Joel Bennett, Nathan Powell and Dana Dillehunt to lead the upstart teams during the weekend. Members of the local community participated as team members and provided feedback.

Programming at the OLIO includes workshops and apprenticeships for at-¬risk youth, both in glassblowing technique and specialized training in business. Current revenue is driven by workshops, corporate programs, classes and field trips.

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The Problem: The Olio wants to achieve sustainable revenue to reduce dependency on contributed revenue. Their needs include:

  • More apprentices
  • Expand programs
  • Hire employees

The Solution: artisan production glassware

  • Hand-blown
  • Crafted color palette
  • Streamlined production & budgeting
  • Iconic & recognizable

During the 3-day event, mentors in entrepreneurship, business development, finance, customer identification, and marketing created a sustainable revenue model to fund the new product line and support The Olio’s community outreach . . Future steps were determined for growth of The OLIO, which includes a grand re-opening of their retail shop, and hiring a sales representative to get the product into the market. Mentors also developed a robust marketing strategy, as well as a 3-year growth projections, which demonstrates how The OLIO can double its revenues by 2019.

It was great to see the Winston-Salem and Triad community devoting time to reinvigorate a local creative enterprise. The Upstart Live atmosphere was energizing and inspiring. Everyone participating was challenged to expand their thinking and enjoyed helping a local organization make a new start and grow their business.



CCE – Project Management Apprentice

CCE is currently looking for a Project Management Apprentice!

For full job description, click here.

• Available to work a minimum of 20 hours up to a maximum of 40 hours per week.
• Should be comfortable interpreting data, sifting through research, and compiling reports.
• Strong written and oral communication skills, ability to multitask and meet deadlines.
• Research and problem solving skills needed, ability to think creatively and multitask.
• Ideal for person interested in Communications, Journalism, Marketing, Non Profit management, or related field.
• Previous experience in communications a plus, but not necessary.
• Vested interest in creative industries, economic development, and education.

This is a great opportunity for applicant to learn the fundamentals of marketing a non-profit, event management, communication, development including fundraising, and grant writing. The applicant will be exposed to networking with professionals throughout the Triad.
Application Please email cover letter and resume to:

Margaret H. Collins,
Executive Director
Center for Creative Economy
c/o Flywheel in WF Innovation Quarter
525 Vine St., Ste 210
Winston-Salem, NC 27101

Questions? 336-580-1037 www.centerforcreativeeconomy.com